The advantages of 24-hour availability

Depending on the type of business you are running, you may not have given much thought to the advantages that 24/7 availability can provide. The idea of offering around the clock customer service may seem too complicated, expensive, or simply not a viable option for your business. This prospect can seem particularly difficult if you are running a small business with limited resources.

But you should never underestimate the value that 24-hour availability can add to your business. It can make a big difference on your day-to-day operations, and it can quickly set you apart from your competitors. In our fast-paced, digital world, ensuring that your business is always available to your customers can result in increased profits, a larger clientele, and a better reputation.

Offering 24-hour customer service may not be possible if you have a small staff or want to stick to a tight budget. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t any options available for you! Virtual answering services provide remote call centers that work efficiently and can be adapted to any budget.

Through a virtual answering service, your business will be available 24/7 thanks to professional operators who will always offer warm, friendly, and knowledgeable customer service. You will also be able to customize your virtual call center and the services it provides. Thanks to your new call center, you won’t have to worry about finding ways to keep your business available 24/7 without going over budget, hiring and training new staff, or having to supervise your operators.

Here are three of the main advantages of making sure that your business has 24-hour availability:

Advantage #1. Operators will be able to solve many of your customers’ problems immediately.

When a customer has an issue with your business, it is always better for all parties involved if you can solve it as quickly and efficiently as possible. Knowing that your customer service will always be available can make clients feel more confident when choosing your business, since this means that they will have a support line directly available to them if the need arises.

In many cases, customers’ inquiries are relatively simple and can be solved quickly by an operator. You can give operators all the basic information they need to know about your business so that they can properly handle these issues. 

When a client encounters a more complicated problem, your operators will also be able to take a message and deliver it to you when your business is open again, or they can transfer calls directly to you or your staff, if necessary. A virtual answering service will ensure that your customers always receive the highest standard of care, regardless of time or date.

Advantage #2. Your business won’t be at risk of missing out on new opportunities

If your business can only be reached during certain hours of the day, you may be missing out on new clients or potential partners who unknowingly try to communicate with you when your office hours are already over.

Occasional missed phone calls may not seem like a big problem; but over time, they can lead to lost profits, a poor reputation, and disgruntled customers. It could also make you lose partnerships or hinder your communication with providers. If this becomes a common occurrence, your clients may choose to switch to one of your competitors — especially if said competitor does provide 24/7 customer service.

But once you start working with a virtual answering service, missed phone calls will be a thing of the past. Remote operators will be working diligently to answer each phone call, even when you and the rest of your staff are resting, at home, on holidays, or simply away from the phone. This will ensure that you won’t miss out on any opportunities that could help you grow and expand your business.

Advantage #3. Your business’ reputation will improve

Once your clients realize that your business provides trustworthy customer service that is easily reachable around the clock, your customer satisfaction rates will undoubtedly go up. And as you become a referent in your specific market, your happy and satisfied customers will help create a pristine reputation for your business.

Whether they leave online reviews or share their experience with the people they know, happy clients are the best way to attract more business. A great reputation is essential for any business that wants to thrive and grow, and a virtual answering service can be one of the best tools to help you achieve just that without going over your budget.